About Us

  • The date of Incorporation of our Company is 28th May, 1980.
  • Our Company is Listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and our Scrip Code is 504346.
  • Our Company Headquarter is situated at Indian Meachantile Chambers, 3rd Floor, 14 R. Kamani Marg, ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001.
  • We carry on in INDIA or elsewhere in the world, trade, occupation or business as general merchants, concessionaires, exporters, importers and traders in any goods, commodities, merchandise, produce, things and shares on ready or forward basis on its own account or otherwise.
  • We carry on in INDIA or elsewhere in the world the business as agents, brokers, factors, commission agents, adaties, buying and selling agents, distributors, indenting agents, sub-agents, estate agents and to act as manufacturers representatives.
  • We also erect, construct, carry on and continue the erection or construction of, improve, enlarge, alter or convenient for the purposes of the Company or its business.
  • We also employ experts to examine and investigate into the conditions, prospects, value, character and circumstances of any business, concern or undertaking and generally of any assets, property or rights.
  • Our Company also carry on other trade, business or undertaking which may seem to the Company to be capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any of the Company’s objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights or which may be advisable to undertake with a view to improving, developing , rendering valuable or turning to account any property, moveable or immovable, belonging to the Company or in which the Company may be interested.
  • We also acquire or takeover business of any company, partnership or individual in India or elsewhere in the world or to carryon , acquire or takeover business of or act as agents, selling agents, house agents, subagents, indenting agents or Agents of any kind or description whatever of any company, partnership or individual in India or elsewhere in the world and for that purpose to enter into necessary agreements, deeds and arrangements.
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